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Male Grover Vice Click to view Grover Vice in the family tree

Grover was born on February 15th, 1892 in Shubert,Richardson Co.,Nebraska.  Grover's father was Tillman Andrew Vice and his mother was Eliza Jane Farson.  His paternal grandparents were George Washington Vice and Mary Barnes. He had four brothers and five sisters, named Artemas, Tillman Andrew ,Jr., Glen William, Frederick, Unknown, Mathilda M., Lillie, Bertha and Edith.  He was the fifth oldest of the ten children.  He died at the age of 68 on November 16th, 1960.

Grover's first family with Fern Francis Dixon

‌Grover and Fern Francis were married in a religious ceremony on August 31st, 1916 in Auburn,Nemaha Co.,Nebraska.  They had three sons and two daughters, named Cloyd Berdell, Virgil Alonodas, Leal Willis, Laura Larrine and Living.

Grover's second family with Ethel Goolsby

‌Grover and Ethel were married in a religious ceremony on August 31st, 1916 in Auburn,Nemaha Co.,Nebraska.  They had a daughter named Clair Lorene.

Source/Citation, Vice Family, Karmen Vice Nana,

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