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Male Henry Clifford Thomason Click to view Henry Clifford Thomason in the family tree

Henry Clifford was born on April 10th, 1918 in Rusk,Texas.  Henry Clifford's father was Charles Martin Thomason and his mother was Callie Arcena Keahey.  His paternal grandparents are Henry Thomason and Susan Roberts; his maternal grandparents were James Robert Keahey and Martha Melvina Grammer. He had a brother and two sisters, named Richard Francis, Mary Ilene and Living.  He died at the age of 60 on February 9th, 1979 in Sherman,Texas.

Henry Clifford's family with Ruth Lanier

‌Henry Clifford and Ruth were married in a religious ceremony on June 29th, 1939 in Kaufman,Texas.  They had a son and three daughters, named Living, Living, Living and Living.

Family Tree, Descendants of William MacKeahey, Larry-D-Keahey/Gen8-001,, The Grammer & Geyer Family Tree, Margaret Geyer Grammer,,, The Grammer & Geyer Family Tree, Margaret Geyer Grammer,

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