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Male Paul Stein Thomas Click to view Paul Stein Thomas in the family tree

Paul Stein was born on November 11th, 1911 in Greenwood,Leflore,Mississippi.  Paul Stein's father is Paul Stein Thomas and his mother was Virginia Louise Faulconer.  His paternal grandparents were William Stein Thomas and Elmira N; his maternal grandparents were William Henry Harrison Faulconer and Mary Agnes Morrison. He had a brother and a sister, named William Faulconer and Virginia Louise.  He was the youngest of the three children.  He died at the age of 90 on February 12th, 2002 in Tupelo,Lee County,Mississippi.  He was buried in North Bend Methodist Cemetery,Neshoba County,MS.

Paul Stein's family with Mildred Ruth Daniel

‌Paul Stein and Mildred Ruth were married in a religious ceremony on April 3rd, 1942 in First Episcopal Church,Greenwood,MS.  They had a son and two daughters, named Living, Living and Living.

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