In 1782 he joined the army and was discharged in 1783. He is credited with the following Revolutionary service. Small, Jeremiah, Narraguagus. Private, Capt. Francis Shaw, JR.'s Company ; enlisted Sept 09, 1775 service 4 months and 1 day ; company stationed at Gouldsborough, No. 4, Narraguagus, and Pleasant River, for defence of seacoast. Small , jeremiah. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Smith's 7th Company, 8th Mass. Regt. commanded by Col. Michael Jackson; muster roll for April 1783; balance of term of enlistment unexpired, 27 months 12 days. His statement, Francis Small came from England settled ... in ... and had 5 sons and daughters vis. Isaac , Daniel, John, Edward and Benjamin. John lived at Cape Elizabeth but subseequently moved to Narraguagus now called Stuben. He had ten children 8 sons and 2 daughters. Lydia waho first married Samuel Horn, after his decease, Solomon Sawyer, she lived on the Island of Jabeag in Casco Bay where she died at the age of 97. John lived at Narraguagusand Hannah and Daniel died young. Nect Daniel was taken by the Indians with whom he lived 4 years and subsequently settled in Wales, Maine. Isaac lived at Cape Elizabeth was killed at sea by being struck on the head by the for-sheet block of sloop 99 tons William & George while going to Philadelphia. Timothy lived at Limington subsequently moved to Cape Elizabeth where he died. Jacob also lived at Liington but moved to C. Elizabeth. Reuben, Do. Jeremiah was 21 years younger than Lydia but lived in Wintham where in 1782 he joined the Army, was discharged in 1783, subseequently moved on to an adjoining lot of land given him by his wife's father Peter Woodbury of C. Elizabeth whter he has ever since lived. This above dictated by Jeremiah Small August 18,1745 being in his 96th year.