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Male George Roland Shelley Click to view George Roland Shelley in the family tree

George Roland was born on September 25th, 1896 in Horry Co.,South Carolina.  George Roland's father was Charles Pittman Shelley and his mother was Florence Graham.  His maternal grandparents were Alphia Alford Graham and Helen Alice Johnson. He had five brothers and three sisters, named Noah Alpha, Charles Hudson, James Austin, Daniel Burn, Ernest Reburn, Sarah Helon, Agnes Lou and Mae Florence.  He was the fourth youngest of the nine children. He had a half-sister named Ethel Mae Mishoe.  He died at the age of 80 on February 24th, 1977 in Horry Co.,South Carolina.  He was buried in Pleasant View Baptist Church Cemetery,Lake Swamp,Horry Co.,South Carolina.

George Roland's family with Rebecca J. Blanton

‌George Roland and Rebecca J. were married in a religious ceremony on January 19th, 1918.  They had three sons and a daughter, named James Carlisle, George Milton, George Roland ,Jr. and Evata.

Sources/Citations, FamilyTies  Database, Craig Smith,,, Marion Banks McGee Genealogy , MBM-Family Tree maker Reports, Photos, etc., Marion Banks McGee,,, Dennis D. Shelley Genealogy, Dennis Shelley, Dennisshelley,, Hardee Family, William S. Hardee,

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