[Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1 A-L, Ed. 6, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Sep 12, 1999, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Franke, Alma Social Security #: 454-17-0813 Issued in: Texas
Birth date: Oct 8, 1893 Death date: May 1979
Residence code: Texas
ZIP Code of last known residence: 78164 Primary location associated with this ZIP Code:
Yorktown, Texas
A artical appeared in the Victoria Advocated Friday, Aug 04, 1972 in Sidney's Journal by Sidney R. Weisiger. Titled GET TO VISITING. Up on F.M.1961 some three miles out of Weser toward Weesatche is where Mr. and Mrs. Otto Franke live. Their home is right on top of a hill. MeMe and I dropped into see how this fine couple were doing. Mr. Franke was resting; he has about 84 years behind him and deserves to lay back and forget about work. Like always Mrs. Franke put the coffee to warming and sat us at the table. Of course we stayed for dinner. Had some of her good homemade light bread and finished up with oatmeal and molasses cookies. Mr. Otto and his wife have a girl who lives in Victoria. Named Mr. Aug. Krueger; but everybldy calls her Robbie Nell. The Frankes dearly love company and don't make any bones about. Just take you into the home and get to visiting. The thing I remember about Prestons Grandparents is for two people to be so thin they always set a table until it mouned with the weight of the food. She was very proud of her stuffed cabbage and was disapointed went I would not try any. Could not understand how any one could not love cabbage. She would always serve around 4 in the afternoon "Lunch" . I was a meal but she consideredit just a tie you over until supper later in the day.