1920 Census - Weakley Co Dist 24 - Ford
Bennie F/Head/W/35/TN/TN/TN/Farmer
Mary A/Wife/W/24/TX/TN/TN
May P/Dau/8/TN
Ben W/Son/5/TN
Gabarella/Dau/3 yr 4 mo/TN
Much Ford/Bradberry history obtained from Bess's Bible, which was in possession of Parnella and copied by Carolyn Wilcoxen, a cousin.
-- Carolyn Wilcoxen wrote: Parnella kept up with a lot of family history. I had the chance to met her when I was ten yrs old. She had every kind of antique you could imagine. She never had any children. On her wall hung a picture of two men in uniform; one in confederate, the other Union. I now know after 30 years one was Josiah Henry Ford and the other was Robert Sample Bradberry. Robert fought for the south and Josiah was for the Union.
The following was from Bible in posession of Parnella, belonged to her parents & copied by Carolyn Wilcoxen: Benjamin Franklin Ford, son of Josiah Henry Ford and Gaberilla Bradberry Ford and Mary Alice Bradberry (Bessie), daughter of Josiah Henry Bradbery and Mary Caroline Connell were united in bonds of Holy Matrimony at 3:00 p.m. on the 22nd day of May in the year of Our Lord 1908 by Reverend J. L. Thomas Witnesses: Homer Weatherford, Herbert Bradberry, Maud Bradberry Weatherford, Ida Morgan, Merrill Harrison Maxey, Jim Maxey
Josiah Henry Ford, born 3 1839 - died 18 Dec 1917 - marr 14 Aug 1867
Gaberilla Bradberry Ford - born 16 Jun 1842 - died 28 1925
--Children: James Henry, b. 18 Jun 1868 d. 25 Mar 1938
Elmo E., born 24 Aug 1869 d. 26 Jul 1900
Sarah Francis, b. 14 Apr 1871 d. summer 1949
Selma S., b. 16 Feb 1873
Roxy Ann, b. 02 Dec 1874, d. 7 Sept 1917
Nancy Alice, b. 18 Oct 1876 d. 28 19??
George Washington, b. 10 1880 d. 1969
Magie M., b. 01 Apr 1882 d. 09 Dec 1922
Benjamin Franklin, b. 10 Apr 1884 d. 22 Nov 1961
Oza Lula, b. 24 Apr 1886, d. 15 Jul 1909
--Marriages: Ida Bradberry md. George Felex Midcliff (sp) 18 Oct 1899
Bird Bradberry md George McClain 14 Dec 1902
Ada Bradberry md Erett Orrell 06 1907
Ida Bradberry Midcliff md Jim Rhodes 05 1905
Benjamin Franklin Ford md Mary Bradberry 22 May 1908
John Bradberry md Elizabeth (Lizzie) Heathcoat
Beulah Bradberry md Robert Sims
Rena Bradberry md Emett Cox
--Deaths: Lillie Mae Bradberry died 10 Nov 1882
Mary Caroline Bradberry (mother) d. 13 Oct 1898
George Felex Midciff d 02 Jun 1903
Floreil Rhodes (son of Ida & Jim Rhodes) D. 25 Nov 1906
BirdAnna McCain d 14 May 1914
Clayton McCain d. 04 Sept 1928
Arena Caroline Cox d. 22 Sept 1961
Erett Orrell d. Aug ??
Ada Orrell d. 1968
Benjamin Ford d. 22 Nov 1961
John Bradberry d. 08 Mar 1969
Ida Rhodes d. 21 May 1970
Robert Sims d. ??
William Emmett Cox d. Dec 1960
Mary Alice (Bess) B. Ford d. 20 1971
-- This letter was sent in care of Bennie Ford: August 24, 1932 - From Ellen Klinginsmith, 507 Bushey Ave., Caruthersville MO: Dear Essie: I am writing to you to find out what has become of Walter & Mary Bradberry. I wrot Mary 2 letters since I have left there but she never answered either of them. Her health was so bad when I left there. I am uneasy about her. I wish you would write and tell me something about them and did you ever get work at the shirt factory. There is nothing here for anybody to do. Did the Midwest Ice Cream bus. move there factory away from Martin. If Mary is still there ask her if Mrs. Lesly Griffin or Mrs. McDanials wants a housekeeper and Essie did Mary get to work in the shirt factory or does she still keep boarders. I am sending this letter in care of Bennie Ford because I do not know your house number. Now Essie answer my letter and tell me all the news you know and if Mary still lives there tell her to write me a nice long letter. I now she don't care very much for me but she is the only sister I have living and I wish she would write to me sometimes. She cannot write but Walter can. Will close with best regards to every body.
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