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Female Esther Gertrude Currie Click to view Esther Gertrude Currie in the family tree

Esther Gertrude was born on September 8th, 1878 in Sumter,South Carolina.  Esther Gertrude's father was Angus Dodridge Currie and her mother was Ida Gertrude China.  Her paternal grandparents were John Calvin Currie and Margaret Keahey. She had two brothers and a sister, named Angus Dodridge ,Jr., William Hay and Anna Margaret.  She is the oldest of the four children.

Esther Gertrude's family with Willliam Alexander Johnson

They had seven sons and three daughters, named Peter, Currie Dee, Archie China, Harry Wilbur, Joseph Edwin, Francis Hunter, Carl Thomas, Albert Sidney, Willie Gertrued and Margaret Eloise.

Sources/Citations, MacKeachey-Dommert-Reade-Stanford, Carlton Dommert,, Family Tree, Descendants of William MacKeahey, Larry-D-Keahey/Gen8-001, Family Tree, Tree download

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