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Male Michael Core Click to view Michael Core in the family tree

Michael was born on December 25th, 1801 in Monongralia Co.,West Virginia.  Michael's father was Christopher Core and his mother was Hannah Snider.  His maternal grandparents were Rudoph Snider and Mary Elizabeth Morgan. He had five brothers and seven sisters, named John, Barton, Abram, Asa, Moses, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Catherine, Christina, Margaret and Rebecca.  He died at the age of 78 on May 19th, 1880 in Monongralia Co.,West Virginia.

Michael's family with Christina Shriver

They had six sons named Abraham, Asa, Benjamin, Christopher, Edgar W. and Isaac.

Source/Citation, Snider-Snyder Descent;Morrison;&Smalley-Oxley-Sterns families, Lelah Achey,

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