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Male Joseph Milton Burton Click to view Joseph Milton Burton in the family tree

Joseph Milton was born on January 29th, 1896 in Platter Indian Territory Bryan Co. Okla.  Joseph Milton's father was Isaac Green Burton and his mother is Joe Annie Giles.  His maternal grandparents were Joseph Milton Giles and Margaret Clementine McCowen. He had eight brothers and four sisters, named Roy, Willie, Rosco, Leonard, Wallace Gates, Bishop, Paul, Robert, Gussie, Lula Eldora, Glady and Jaunita.  He is the second oldest of the thirteen children.

Joseph Milton's family with Sue Marie Potter

‌Joseph Milton and Sue Marie were married in a religious ceremony on June 2nd, 1929 in Madill,Oklahoma.  They have a son and two daughters, named Living, Living and Living.

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