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Male Harold William Brewer Click to view Harold William Brewer in the family tree

Harold William's father was Elzie William Brewer and his mother was Sadie T. Warren.  His paternal grandparents are David Allen Brewer and Elizabeth Underwood; his maternal grandparents were George Elliot Warren and Delila A. Skaggs. He had four brothers and six sisters, named Clarence Heistand, Daniel Eugene, James Albert, Larry Daniel, Betty Allen, Valema Alene, Catherleen, Gloria Shellie Ann, Marjorie Lucille and Norma Lee.

Harold William's family with Nellie Shofner

They have a daughter named Living.

LaRue, Green, and Taylor Co., Kentucky Genealogy, Ancestry World Tree Project, Gene E. Perkins, Gen.Perkins@@charter. net, Id 15779,, Jeremy Johnson's Family Tree and Related Families, Jeremy Johnson,

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