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Male John Robert Braudrick Click to view John Robert Braudrick in the family tree

John Robert was born on February 14th, 1881 in Scott Co.,Arkansas.  John Robert's father was Thomas Jefferson Braudrick and his mother was Missouri Ann Underwood.  His maternal grandparents were William Berry Underwood and Judia Burnham. He had a brother and a sister, named David Franklin and Florance Mae. He had a half-brother and three half-sisters, named George ,Jr., Margarett, Joce and Julie.  He died at the age of 64 on May 3rd, 1945.

Sources/Citations, Burke Donald Seston, Candi Seaton,, Listed Source: A e-mail from Jane Cossey to Candi Seaton 02/2002,, David C. Plunkett's extended family file, David C. Plunkett,

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