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(Gender unknown) Froxie Bradberry Click to view Froxie Bradberry in the family tree

Froxie's father was Robert E. "Long Bob" Bradberry and his/her mother is Rhoda Caroline Porch.  His/her paternal grandparents were John Henry , Sr Bradberry and Susan Taylor. He/she had five brothers and three sisters, named William, James A. "Jim", Herbert, Curtis, Walter, Callie, Evie and Ethel Pearl. He/she had five half-brothers and five half-sisters, and also a half-sibling of unknown gender, named Ruil Edwood, Leonard: Ted Leonard, Demoy, Elliot Taylor "Plute", William C., Treva Alice, Susie Ann, Lurlean, Etta Virginia, Safrona G. and Colorado.


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