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Male Wood ,Major Bouldin Click to view Wood ,Major Bouldin in the family tree

Wood ,Major was born on June 4th, 1742 in Cecil Co.,Maryland.  Wood ,Major's father was Thomas , Colonel Bouldin and his mother was Nancy Ann Wood Clark.  His paternal grandfather was William ,3rd Bouldin and his paternal grandmother is Thomasin Nash; his maternal grandfather is Thomas Clark and his maternal grandmother was Jenneke Wood. He had six brothers and four sisters, named James, Thomas , Jr., Joseph, Richard, William, Ephraim, Francenia, Mary, Jenneke and Thomasin.  He died at the age of 57 on March 13th, 1800 in Charlotte Co.,Virginia.

Wood ,Major's family with Joanna Tyler

‌Wood ,Major and Joanna were married in a religious ceremony on April 2nd, 1777 in Charlotte Co.,Virginia.  They had three sons and six daughters, named Lewis Contesse, Thomas Tyler , Judge, James Wood, Mary, Mary Francenea Cox, Rachel Contecce, Martha Lewis, Anne and Mattie D.

Source/Citation, Dupon and Bouldin Kin, Delbert Dupont,

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