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Male Edwin Willis Blackwell Click to view Edwin Willis Blackwell in the family tree

Edwin Willis was born on December 24th, 1880 in Coryell,Co.,Texas.  Edwin Willis' father was Peter Willis Blackwell and his mother was Jane Adeline Dorman.  His paternal grandparents were Joel Blackwell and Sarah Ememline Graham. He had a brother and two sisters, named William Lawrence, Lydia Adeline and Jennie Adeline.  He was the youngest of the four children.  He died at the age of 57 on March 15th, 1938 in Killeen,Bell Co.,Texas.

Edwin Willis' family with Ada Cordelia Hill

‌Edwin Willis and Ada Cordelia were married in a religious ceremony on November 28th, 1905.  They had five sons and five daughters, named Clifford Lawrence, Claud Newton, Edwin Cecil, Bazil Dorman, Jerome Keaner, Eva Cordelia, Daisy Dean, Fannie Beatrice, Francis Maude and Sallie Delona.

Sources/Citations, Ingram & Related Families, Cal Ingram,,, My Ancestors, Kim Brummett,

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