- b.Bet 790 and 837 d.0863

- b.Bet 835 and 860 d.0919

- b.< 0810 d.> 0835

- b.0895 d.0924

- b.< 0860

- b.< 0880 d.> 0895

- b.~ 0921 d.0960

- b.< 0812 d.0849

- b.< 0848 d.21 Aug 897 in in battle with the Moors

- b.< 0835

- b.< 0897 d.> 0921

- b.0837 in Flanders, Nord, France d.0879 in Arras, Auxerre, France

- b.0865 in Flanders, Nord, France

- b.0844 d.> 0870

- b.0943 in Toulouse, France d.Sep 1037

- b.< 0915

- b.< 0930 d.> 0947
- b.~ 0975

- b.~ 0800

- b.Bet 821 and 830

- b.0800

- b.0845 d.0888 in St. Martin, Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France

- b.0802 d.14 Jun 844

- b.~ 0825

- b.Bet 870 and 888 d.0942

- b.0800

- b.< 0830 d.> 0844

- b.~ 0844

- b.< 0952 d.> 0975

- b.< 0855 d.> 0870

- b.Bet 870 and 874

- b.< 0858 d.> 0870