- b.< 0981 d.Bet 965 and 999
- b.~ 0960 d.1054
- b.~ 0980 in Dublin, Ireland d.1040
- b.Bet 1000 and 1040 in Isle of Man d.Bet 1095 and 1103 in Pa Islay
- b.0975 in Norway
- b.~ 1080 in Ireland or Isle of Man d.1153
- b.Bet 940 and 960 in Bergen, Bergen, Norway d.Bet 995 and 1010 in Nidarnes, Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway
- b.~ 0975 in Bergen, Sondre Bergenhus or Rise pa Ringerike, Oplandene, Norway d.Bet 1018 and 1028 in Ringerike, Oppland, Norway
- b.~ 0940 in Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway d.> 0975
- b.1015 in Bergen, Sondre Bergenhus, Norway d.25 Sep 1066 in Battle of Stamford Bridge,Yorkshire,England
- b.< 0955 in Vik, Kvam, Gudbrandsdalen, Opplanda, Norway d.> 0970
- b.Bet 970 and 975 in Opplanda, Norway d.1020 in Norway
- b.< 0955 d.> 0975
- b.> 1045 d.25 Sep 1066 in Orkneys
- b.0956 in Kiev, Kievan Rus (now in Ukraine, Russia) d.15 Jul 1015 in Beretova near Kiev, Ukraine
- b.Bet 978 and 980 in Kiev, Ukraine d.20 Feb 1053/54 in Kiev, Ukraine
- b.~ 0956 d.1002
- b.~ 1032 in Kiev, Ukraine (Russia)
- b.Bet 950 and 980 d.Bet 1020 and 1022
- b.~ 1001 in Uppsala, Sweden d.10 Feb 1049/50 in Kiev, Ukraine (Russia)
- b.~ 0979 in Obotriter
- b.~ 1117 in Isle of Man d.> 1154
- b.0960 in Orkney Islands, Orkney, Scotland d.23 Apr 1014 in Battle of Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland
- b.Bet 990 and 1009 in Orkney Islands, Scotland d.Bet 1057 and 1064 in Battle at Christ's Kirk, Birdsey, Scotland
- b.0978 in Atholl, Perth, Scotland d.> 0990
- b.~ 1040 in Orkney Islands, Scotland d.1099 in Bergen, Norway
- b.Bet 985 and 1005 in Osterant, Yije, Norway or Austratt, Orland, Sor-Trondelag, Norway d.Bet 1062 and 1065 in Denmark
- b.Bet 1015 and 1025 in Osterant, Yrje/Yije, Norway d.~ 1066
- b.Bet 990 and 1016 in Osteraat/Osterant, Yrje/Yije, Norway
- b.~ 1070 in Orkney Islands, Scotland d.1126 in Norway or the Orkney Islands, Scotland
- b.1027 in Oppland, Norway
- b.~ 1031 in Norway d.> 1045
- b.~ 1044 in Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland d.> 1080
- b.1024 d.25 Oct 1047 in Sudatorp at Abenra
- b.< 1041 in Norway d.> 1045
- b.~ 1085 in Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland or the Isle of Man d.> 1130
- b.Bet 1040 and 1055 in Dair, Caithness, Scotland d.1120 in Thurso, Scotland
- b.Bet 949 and 950 d.> 1010 in Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
- b.~ 1010 d.> 1040
- b.< 0963 d.> 1010 in Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
- b.Bet 1065 and 1070 in Thurso & Caithness, Scotland d.> 1108