- b.Bet 796 and 800 in Hord, Jutland, Denmark d.0884
- b.> 0810 d.0885
- b.Bet 820 and 830 d.0890
- b.< 0817
- b.Bet 835 and 850 in Denmark d.0899
- b.< 0795 d.> 0805
- b.Bet 800 and 830
- b.Bet 875 and 880 in Denmark d.Bet 935 and 950 in Jellinge, Vejle, Denmark
- b.~ 0775 in Wessex, England d.4 Feb 838/39 in Wessex, England
- b.Bet 800 and 806 in Wessex, England d.13 Jan 857/58 in England
- b.~ 0788
- b.Bet 840 and 843 d.23 Apr 871 in Basing/Merton
- b.Bet 730 and 780
- b.~ 0810 in Wessex, England d.> 0876
- b.Bet 860 and 865 in Wessex, England
- b.Bet 835 and 845 d.> 0868
- b.Bet 890 and 911 in Blauzahn, Germany or Denmark d.1 Nov 986 in Jomsborg/Jomsburg, Denmark
- b.Bet 710 and 736 in Vestfold, Norge (Norway) d.Bet 780 and 789 in Jarslo/Jerseoy, Vestfold, Telemark, Norway
- b.0750 in Haithabu (Haethabu)-today town of Hedeby in N. Germany, Jutland d.0804 in Drowned in the Irish Sea
- b.Bet 710 and 740 in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway d.~ 0769 in Vestfold, Telemark, Norway
- b.Bet 765 and 781 in Jutland, Denmark d.0810 in Walcheren
- b.Bet 700 and 710 d.0768 in Engern
- b.Bet 720 and 750 in Reugen, Sachsen d.0780 in Hedeby, Jylland, Denmark
- b.Bet 700 and 710 in Rugen/Ruegen d. in Engern
- b.Bet 755 and 800 in Jutland, Denmark d.Bet 844 and 852 in Walcheren in ifolge Annales Fuldenes
- b.< 0844 d.0935