Ilus King Of Troy
Ilus' father is
Tros Acadia King Of Troy
and his mother is
Callirhoe Queen Of Trojans
. His paternal grandparents are
Erichthonius Acadia King Of Troy
Astyoche Acadia Queen Of Trojans
; his maternal grandparents are
Scamender King Of Troy
Nymph Idaca
. He is an only child.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Judah of the Bible
- b. in Judea, Canaan
- b. in Hebron, Canaan, Palestine d. in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt
Tamar of the Bible
- b. in Hebron, Palestine d. in Rameses, Egypt
Darda Dardanus King of Troy
- b. in 1460 BC - Rameses, Goshen, Egypt
Atlas Titan
Electra one of the Pleiades
Pleione Oceanid
Erichthonius Acadia King Of Troy
Teucer Teucri King Of Troy
Batea Teucri Princess Of Trojans
Tros Acadia King Of Troy
Astyoche Acadia Queen Of Trojans
Ilus King Of Troy
Scamender King Of Troy
Callirhoe Queen Of Trojans
- b. in Troy, Turkey
Nymph Idaca
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
Ilus' family with Eurydike Queen Of Trojans
They have a son named
Laomedan King Of Troy
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