Name Suffix:<NSFX> 2nd Earl Of Chester
"1120 Richard, second Earl of Chester, his Wife Maud and the Princes William and Richard (the sons of King Henry I) were drowned in the Candida Novis- the 'White Ship'- along with many English courtiers and noblemen, on a return journey from Normandy. It is said that the Master of the ship had told the King that his father had carried Henry's father (William the Conqueror) when he came to fight King Harold, and begged for the honour of ferrying King Henry and his retinue back to England. The King declined, saying he had already chosen another vessel, but said he would be pleased to allow his two sons and many of the nobility to sail with her. The crew were so delighted at this honour that they asked the King to give them three hogsheads of wine- which he did- and consequently they all became hopelessly drunk and unable to control the ship, which foundered on rocks with the loss of about 300 lives- only one man surviving."@@S143@@