Princess of the Picts Unuisticc
Princess of the Picts was born about 0750. Princess of the Picts' mother was
Pictish Princess Royal of Fortrinn Bruide
. She had two brothers named
King of the Picts
King of the Picts
. Princess of the Picts is no longer alive.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Princess of the Picts Unuisticc
- b.~ 0750
Pictish Princess Royal of Fortrinn Bruide
- b.~ 0720
Princess of the Picts' family with Eochaidh 'the Venemous' MacFergus
They had a son named
Alpin MacEochaid
Alpin was born about 0777. He died in 0834 in
Killed fighting the Picts at Galloway
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