Ralph Roote came in the Abigail in 1635, aged 50 (Hotten's Lists), along with his daughter, Mary, age 15; his 1st wife Ann was a member of the First Church of Boston in 1639; his 2nd wife Mary d. 15 Nov. 1655 Boston*, as Mary the wife of Ralph Roote; after careful elimination he is the only Roote of the proper age and unmarried state, who could be the husband of Mary the widow of Thomas Ruggles after 1662.
(Suff. I: 461) The nuncupative will of Ralph Roote mentions, as he had love and care of sonne and dau. Bolston with whom he lived, they to have all excepting ten shillings to his dau. Jeane Buttell (or Battell), and five shillings to his dau. at Lin. Proved 29 Mar. 1666.
(Suff. IV: 265) The inventory of the estate of Ralph Roote was taken 27 Mar. 1666 by Jacob Elliott and Theophilus ffrarye, and was presented by James Balston his son in law; it was less than œ22.
This verbal will does not mention his widow Mary, it was unnecessary to provide for her, as she was well taken care of by the estate of her first husband Thomas Ruggles.