96. THOMAS RUGGLES, son of Thomas Ruggles (96A) of Sudbury, Suffolk Co., England; b. about 1584 Sudbury, England; d. 15 Nov. 1644 Roxbury, Mass.(+), by Rev. John Eliot; 4 Nov. 1644 John Grave, a godly brothr of the church he took a deep cold, wh sweld his head wth rhume & ovcame his heart. 15 Nov. 1644, Thomas Ruggles a godly brothr, he dyed of a Consumption. These two brake the knot first of the Nazing Christians. I mean that they first dyed of all those Christians yt came fro yt towne in England; bur. 16 Nov. 1644 Roxbury*, as Thomas Ruggles, Householder; m. MARYE CURTES (97) 1 Nov. 1620 Nazing (Par. Reg.), Essex Co., England; dau. of Thomas Curtis (97A & 102A) and 1st wife Mary Camp; bapt.-- Mar. 1589 Nazing (Par. Reg.), as Mary Curtis; d. 14 Feb. 1674 Roxbury(+), as Old Mothr Roote who was Tho. Ruggles widdow afore. She lived not only till past use, but till more tedious yn. a child. She was in her 89 yeare.
His widow Mary Ruggles m. 2nd (???) Roote after 8 Apr. 1662, as on that date she signed her mark as Mary Ruggles (Suff. Deed VI: 59), and was then 73 years of age.
(Ruggles Genealogy, by Henry Stoddard Ruggles).
(Ruggles family, by Franklin Ladd Bailey).
A Report of the Record Commissioners of Boston, Massachusetts 1630 - 1699
Mary wife of Ralph Roote died 15th -- 9th mo.