Ebenezer. b. July 31, 1683, in Salem Village.
m. Abigail, d aughter of Isaac Goodale, of Salem.
He lived in Norwich in 1705. in Windham
i n 1706, and in Mansfield Conn., in 1739. He
had thirteen children.
EBENEZER3 ABBE, son of Samuel2 and Mary (Knowlton) Abbe, born July 31,
1683, in Salem Vi llage, Mass., baptized in Wenham before 1685; died in
Windham, Conn., December 5, 1758. He removed with his father to the
locality known as "Bricktop" in 16 98; worked in Norwich for a time,
about 1705; was at Windham in 1706 and later lived at North Windham
and Mansfield. November, 1705, were recorded two deeds showing an
exchange of property between Samuel Abbe and Ebenezer of Norwich, a
lot upon Bushnell's Plain. He received a deed from Samuel, July 17,
1707, a nd sold land to Abraham Mitchell and William Slate in 1709 and
1711. October 2 9, 1713, John Abbe, "now resident at Hartford, in
Hartford County," sold to hi s brother Ebenezer land he had received
from his father, Samuel Abbe of Windham. In a deed of November
2, 1713, he alludes to his deceased father, Sam uel Abbe, January 11,
1714, land bought from his brother, Samuel Abbe, and cal ls Abraham
Mitchell "father."
He is found frequently in the records of Windha m down to late in life.
September 8, 1742, he sold to his son, Samuel, land on the east side
of Nauchaug River in Windham. In 1715, Ebenezer Abbe was one of
the settlers who formed Canada Parish at Hampton Hill in the northeast
part of Windham, and was one of those who on May 9, 1717, signed a
petition to the General Assembly asking to be made a separate parish.
In October of the same y ear another petition was sent to the Assembly,
asking that the taxes on proper ty in this parish should be used for
the establishing of their church. This pe tition was signed by
"Ebenezer Abbe, for the rest," and William Durkee.
His w ill, dated June 3, 1750, probated December 14, 1758, names
these heirs: wife Mary; children Ebenezer, Joshua, Nathan, Gideon,
Samuel, Elizabeth Cross, Zeru iah Marsh, Jerusha Wood, Abigail Cary,
Miriam Cross; grandson Jonathan Bingham , only surviving son and heir
of his daughter Mary, deceased.
(Windham Probat e Records, Vol. 5, page 513.)
Ebenezer Abbe married at Mansfield, October 28, 1707, MARY ALLEN,
who died 1766, daughter of Joshua and Mary ( ) Allen, early settlers
of Mansfield, who lived near what is now North Windham.
Children, bi rths recorded in Windham
Ebenezer Abbe, jr., b. July 27, 1708; m. Abigail Cary .
Elizabeth Abbe, b. Sept. 11, 1709; m. Daniel Cross.
Joshua Abbe, b. Jan. 20 , 1710-11; m. Mary Ripley.
Mary Abbe, b. Sept. 21, 1712; m. Jonathan Bingham.
Nathan Abbe, b. May 6, 1714. Resided in Mansfield, Conn. Married
(1) in Mansf ield, Dec. 4, 1746, Silence Ames, daughter of William Ames
of Mansfield. She d . Feb. 6, 1776.
He m. (2) in Mansfield, Oct. 17, 1776, Lucy Hovey, daughter of Samuel
Hovey of Windham. No children by either marriage are recorded.
His wi ll, made Nov. 2, 1795, probated May 12, 1807, mentions his wife
Lucy; brothers Joshua, Solomon and Samuel; Leonard Sessions; Anne,
wife of Eleazer Cross; balance of estate to Jonathan Hovey "who
dwells with me"
(Windham Probate Rec ords, Volume 15, pages 298, 310).
The 1800 Census records Nathan Abbe in Mansf ield with seven persons
residing in the family.
48 Gideon Abbe, b. Feb. 13, 1715-6; m. (1) Mary Wood; (2) Keziah
Walker; (3) Bathsheba Smith.
Samuel (1) Abbe, b. Oct. 30, 1717; d. March 1, 1718.
49 Samuel (2) Abbe, b. April 24, 17 19; m. Temperance Lincoln.
50 Zerviah Abbe, b. March 17, 1720-1; m. Elihu Mar sh.
51 Jerusha Abbe, b. Oct. 22, 1722; m. Samuel Wood.
52 Abigail Abbe, b. Aug. 1, 1724; m. Benjamin Cary.
53 Miriam Abbe, b. Aug. 31, 1726; m. William Cross.
54 Solomon Abbe, b. May 29, 1730; m. (1) Sarah Knight; (2) Mrs.
Eliza beth Burnham.