Richard Knowlton, born 1553, married Elizabeth Cantize, July 17, 1577.
Their children were: George, born May 6, 1578, resided in Chiswick;
Stephen, born May 1, 1580, died young; Thomas, born 1582; William,
born 1584 , married Ann Elizabeth Smith. The first two children were
born in the parish of Canterbury in Kent. The great cathedral is but
six miles from Knowlton Mano r and the parish boundaries at that time
included the latter, but the manor is now in the parochial
boundaries of the neighboring parish of Sandwich .
Thomas Knowlton, son of Richard Knowlton, was born in Kent,
1582. His child ren were: John, born 1620, married Dorothy (???), 1643;
Robert, born 1622, mar ried Susan (???); married (second) Sarah (???);
Mary, born 1628, married John Wilson, April 26, 1651; Sarah, born
1630, married Augustine Ellis, February 23 , 1656.
William Knowlton, son of Richard Knowlton, emigrated to
America, as s tated above. His wife was Elizabeth. Their children were:
John, born 1610; Sam uel, born 1611; Robert, born 1613, remained in
England, said to have died youn g; William, born 1615; Mary, born 1617,
died young; Thomas, born 1620-22.
The manor hall in Kent is a beautiful structure with a history
running back to th e days of William, the Conqueror.
William Knowlton owned the ship in which he started for
America and was known as Captain Knowlton. Of his children, John,
William, Deacon Thomas and probably Samuel accompanied him, for a
Samuel was found in Hingham soon after the others appeared at Ipswich,
Massachusetts, and he died in 1655, leaving a will, proved September,
1655, in which his brother John is named as executor. As John, son of
Captain William, was the only one answering the description,
Samuel must have also been son of Captain Wil liam. John went to
Ipswich in 1639, and William and Thomas followed in 1642. I t is
believed that Captain William was buried in Nova Scotia, whither he
was bound and near the coast of which he died.
(Source: The Knowlton's of New Engl and, page 21 (BlCH)
Knowlton Genealogy.
He and 3 brothers came from Kent Co. Eng. in 1632. Settled in
Ipswich, Mass. Freeman in 1641).
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Ancestors of the B ingham Family Of Utah
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William Knowlton, Sr. and Ann Elizabeth Smith
born ..... 1584 at .....
died ..... 1632 at sea enroute to America; buried at sea;
married ANN ELIZABETH SMITH (daughter of ..... and .....)
born ..... at ... ..; chr. 9 June 1668 at Hingham, Plymouth, Mass.;
died ..... at .....; buried ..... at ......
i. JOHN b. ..... 1610 at Canterbury, Kent, Eng .
d. ..... Oct. 1654/5; will 29 Nov.1653
ii. SAMUEL b. ..... 1611 at Canterbury, Kent, Eng.
d. ..... 1655
iii. ROBERT b . ..... 1613 at Canterbury, Kent, Eng.
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