Joseph Regan, Sr. was born in Isle of Wight, VA circa 1690. Joseph died1727 in Bertie County, NC, at 37 years of age. His body was interred1727.
Elizabeth wa s the daughter of ? Gad? and ? ?. Elizabeth died after 1726/7in Bertie County, NC. Her body was interred after 1726/7 in BertieCounty, NC.
1724. Volume 2, Is le of Wight County Court House, Isle of Wight, VA Page271. 8 July, 1724. Joseph Regan, 100 acres N.L. Isle of Wight County,VA, south side of main Blackwater S wamp. 19 MAR., 1725/6. Will Book 7,Surry County, VA, in custody of Surry Court House, Surry, VA. Page 748.
Regan, Sr., Will. See Francis Regan, Sr.
Raleigh, NC, UNC.195. Page 310, 1910. 2 Apr., 1727. Will abstractmentions that Joseph R eggons [Joseph Regan, Sr.] had a son Josephdaughters Martha, Mary, Hannah, Oliv e Reggons and a Son-in-Law JohnWeeb. This means either Martha, Mary, or Hannah married a John Weeb.[Need to check.] Wife Elizabeth. Witnesses William Boldin, DaniellReggons, Thomas Reggons.[New Cunard.ged]