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Male Jean-Francois Lemire Click to view Jean-Francois Lemire in the family tree

Jean-Francois was born on June 14th, 1746 in Baie Du Febvre.1   Jean-Francois' father was Jean Francois Dit Foucault Lemire and his mother was Marie Francois Niquet Dit Monty.  His paternal grandparents were Jean Francois Lemire and Francoise Foucault; his maternal grandparents were Pierre Niquet Dit Monty and Marie Lefebvre. He had seven brothers and four sisters, named Jean Francois, Joseph, Jean Baptiste, Joseph, Antoine, Louis, Pierre, Marie Madleine, Marie Josephte, Therese and Marie-Francoise.  He was the youngest of the twelve children.

Jean-Francois' family with Catherine Martel

‌Jean-Francois and Catherine were married in a religious ceremony on October 3rd, 1766 in Baie Du Febvre.1   They had a son named Joseph.

1 blended.FTW

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