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Female Marguerite Itasse Click to view Marguerite Itasse in the family tree

Marguerite was born after 1611 in Saint-Simeon, Orne, Sarthe, France.1   Marguerite's father was Jean Poisson and her mother was Barbe Broust. She had a brother and a sister, named Jean and Barbe.  She was the oldest of the three children.  She died before 1666 in Cap-DE-La-Madeleine, Quebec.

Marguerite's family with Jacques Aubuchon

‌Marguerite and Jacques were married in a religious ceremony on November 11th, 1647 in Cap DE La Madeleine, Champlain, Quebec.1   They had four sons and three daughters, named Jacques, Pierre, Rene, Joseph Aubuchon Dit, Jeanne, Marguerite and Marie Anne.

1 blended.FTW

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