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Male Jean Baptiste Lemire Foucault Click to view Jean Baptiste Lemire Foucault in the family tree

Jean Baptiste Lemire was born on September 15th, 1707 in Trois Rivieres, St Maurice, Quebec.1   Jean Baptiste Lemire's father was Jean Francois Lemire and his mother was Francoise Foucault.  His paternal grandparents were Jean Lemire and Louise Marsolet; his maternal grandparents were Jean Francois Dit Courchesne Foucault and Elisabeth Provost. He had seven brothers and two sisters, named Jean Francois Dit Foucault, Joseph Dit Marsolet, Rene Lemire, Alexis Dit Gaucher, Pierre, Antoine, Modeste, Marie Ann Louise and Marguerite.  He was the fourth oldest of the ten children.  He died at the age of 71 on May 18th, 1779 in Nicolet, Quebec.1 

Jean Baptiste Lemire's first family with Marguerite Pont Lamontagne

‌Jean Baptiste Lemire and Marguerite Pont were married in a religious ceremony on September 19th, 1729 in Varennes, Quebec.1   They had a son named Francois.

Jean Baptiste Lemire's second family with Marie Catherine Pinard

‌Jean Baptiste Lemire and Marie Catherine were married in a religious ceremony on August 26th, 1731 in Nicolet, Quebec.1   They had three sons and three daughters, named Raphael Dit Foucault, Joseph Dit Foucault, Jean Baptiste Dit Foucault, Marie Anne Dit Foucault, Marie Antoinette and Marie Jeanne Dit Foucault.

1 blended.FTW

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