OCCU Earl of Chester
RELI Sources: Taut, Anne. "The Kings and Queens of Great Britain"This nobleman joined in the rebellion of the Earl of Leicesterand the King of Scots, against King Henry II, and in support ofthat
monarch's son, Prince Henry's pretensions to the crown. Inwhich proceding he was taken prisoner, with the Earl ofLeicester, at Alnwick, but obtained his freedom soon afterards,upon the king's
reconciliation with the young prince. Again,however, hoising the standard o revolt, both in England and inNormandy, with as little success, he was again seized, and thendetained a prisoner for some
yhers. He eventually, however,obtained his liberty and restoration of his lands, when publictranquillity became completely re-estblished some time about the23rd year of the king's reign. 6th Earl
of Chester--Other FieldsRef Number: 17806490
DATE 14 MAR 1999