OCCU Earl of Chester
RELI Sources: Roberts, Gary Boyd. "Ancestors of American PresidensThis nobleman, who was a leading military character, took anactive part with the empres maud, and the young Prince Henry,against
King Stephen in the early part of the contest, and hvingdefeted th king, and made him prisoner at the battle of Lincoln,committted him to the castle of Bristol. He subsequently,however, sided with
the king, and finally, distrusted byh all,died, under excommun;ication, in 1155, sujpposed to have beenposoned byh William Peverell, Lord of Nottingham, who beingsuspected of the crime is said to
hav eturned monk, to avoid itspunishment.--Other FieldsRef Number: 35612980
DATE 14 MAR 1999