The "Todd Roots in Madison County, KY" book by Hubert W. & Geneva L. Cox has the following will which can be seen in Philadelphia, PA. There are three copies of this will and one is transcribed as follows by the Coxes:
In the name of God, Amen. On the second day of March Anno Domis (1698). I, Joseph Todd of Eling, in the County of Southampton, being of sound memory, thanks be unto God for the same, and confessing the frailty and uncertainty of this life, do make this my Last Will Testament in manner and form following (that is to say), First of all, I resign my soul into the hands and protection of almighty God, my maker, and his forever, and my body I commit to the earth from whence it was made, and for my worldly goods, which God in mercy hath lent and bestowed upon me, I do give and bequeath unto my son, Joseph Todd, forty pounds of lawful money of England, the full value thereof to be paid in money or goods by my executor hereafter named as soon as he shall come to and attain the age of one and twenty years, and if it should happen that he should die before he shall attain unto the said age of one and twenty years, then his said portion of forty pounds be given and bequeathed to be and remain equally divided between and amongst those of my children then surviving as they shall attain the said age of one and twenty years due to be paid by my executor hereafter named.
Item: I give and bequeath unto all children which now I have by my last wife, Joanne, twenty pounds apiece of lawful English money. That is to say, unto Joshua, twenty pounds, unto Caleb twenty pounds, unto Thomas twenty pounds, unto Elizabeth twenty pounds and unto Mary twenty pounds, and it is my will and meaning that Joanne, my said wife, whom I do make my executor of this my Last Will and Testament, should hand thereof of the said twenty pounds apiece last given and bequeath unto my said children, dividing (this line illegible) should marry another husband, that within one month after her marriage, the said portions of twenty pounds apiece last given and bequeathed unto my said children then to become due and then to be paid by my said executor without any further delay, and in case any one of my said children should die and leave this world before they receive the said portions, then my will and meaning is the said portion or portions of the deceased should be equally divided between the survivors of them and whereas by the said Joseph Todd, am engaged to pay unto Davy, the son of my brother, Daniel Todd, and unto James & Hester Bradshaw, the children of Elizabeth, my sister, when they should attain unto the age of one and twenty years, five pounds apiece when they should come of age to receive the same, and if either of my sister, Elizabeth's children, should die before they come to receive the said money, then his or her share due to dying to be paid unto the survivors of them. Lastly, all the residue of my money, goods, chattels and credits, I give unto my loving wife, Joane, whom I do make and appoint to be executor of this my Last Will and Testament, and also I do nominate, desire, and appoint John Swift, the older, John Swift, the younger, and Henry Abbot and Pete (Peter) Chamberlyne to be (assayers?) of my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I do unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written and sealed and delivered in the presence of John MacShane, Richard Chandler, Andrew Morgan. Joseph Todd /SS/ Signed, sealed and declared in the presence of John Worsham, Richard Chambers Andrew Worsom, witnesses. Probated 31st August 1700. Personally appeared before me, Patrick Robinson, Secretary of the Province of Penn, the will of Joseph Todd, deceased. The within named executor being and did execute unto the said office, the Last Will and Testament of the said declarer and did attest to being executor to pay the debts and legacies given and contained according to law. signed Patrick Robinson, Secretary. Will Book B of Will Books of Philadephia County 1699-1706. Daniel, Davy, and Elizabeth were still living in England when his will was probated in 1699.
Per Charles CONNELLY:
"Wills 1682-1726" p58
TODD, Joseph. Eling, Southamptonshire, England. March 2, 1698. August 31, 1700. B.63.
Son by first wife Joseph. Children by second wife Joshua, Caleb, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Mary.
Brother Daniel and son David. Sister Elizabeth Bradshaw and her children James and Hester.
Friends John Swift Sr, John Swift Jr, Henry Abbott, and Peter Chamberlayne. Exec Wife Joane.
Wit: John Worsham, Richard Chambers, Andrew Worsom.
From: Rhian Watkins, Hampshire Record Office
Subject: Eling
Dear Mr Connelly,
Thank you for your message. Kelly's Directory of 1939 states that, 'Eling is a parish and village near the head of Southampton Water, on the western side, one mile south from Totton, 5 west from Southampton,
6 south from Romsey and 86 from London, in the New Forest and Christchurch division of the county......
The old ecclesiasical parish of Eling was divided into six parishes, Eling, North Eling or Copythorne, Netley Marsh, Marchwood, Colbury and Testwood. Eling parish now only contains the village of Eling and the portion of Totton not contained in Testwood.......The parish registers date from 1538. '
You may also like to know that the County of Southampton was renamed Hampshire in the 1950s.
I hope the above has been of some assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Miss R S Watkins (Archives Assistant