Source: Blackman/Farmer Roots
Bermuda 1677 Wills 1:250
Will made Mar 1 1677, proved Mar 26 1678
Joh Todd, of Southampton, widower children Mary, Amos Tudor, Henry, John
Tudor, Joseph Tudor, Benjamin Tudor, Elizabeth (now Wethersby), Sarah
(now Jackson). grandchildren of all but Mary and Henry. exec: Henry
Durham, Thomas Richards wit: William Keele, Henry Onyon inventory included
Note: pg 212 Mercer's "Bermuda Settlers of the 17th century" 1673, Book
V(A) pg 468 Sep 1, 1673
I, Thomas Richards, being in England in 1651, discoursed with Joseph
Todd, skinner,
who lived in Walbrook and who told me that he had bought two shares land
in Bermuda on
which his brother John Todd should live and at his decease the same
should go to his nephew, Joseph Todd, son of John Todd.
Memorials of the Bermudas by Lefroy pg 401.
John Todd held land in "Southampton Tribe, formerly part of ye twelve
shares of Sr Nathaniell Rich. A tenement and two shares of land in his
owne occupation Abutting at ye south end partly on ye south side sea and
partly uppon a parcell of common land there. And at ye north end upon a
bay called ____, Lying betweene ye lands last before entred of Capt Wm
Sayle to ye eastwards and ye ffree-schoole land to ye westwards cont."
Memorials of the Bermudas by Lefroy Volume II pg 7
Letter from the Committee in London to Captain Josias Forster
London 1 Jan 1649/1650
"Wee have chosen & appoynted Mr John Todd to be marshall in the roome of
Mr John Stowe and requier you and the Govrnor & Councell forthwith to see
the s'd John Todd invested in the same wth all the emunityes belonging to
the said place for wch wee have sent here with him a commission."
...signed by Nath Rich, Owen Rowe, Joseph Todd, John Oxenbridge, Leonard
Ward, Isaak Rowe
pg 41 Order of Council of State, 21 May 1653. Interegnum Entry Book, vol
xcvii CP pg 402
" The petition of Leonard Ward and Joseph Todd on behalf of the well
affected of the company of the Somers Islands is referred to the
Committee for that business.".
pg 42 Order of the Council of State, 25th June 1653. Domestic Entry
Book. Interregnum No 97 pg 411
" That a comission be granted to Cornelius Holland Esqre, Colonell Owen
Rowe, Sr Thomas Wroth, Francis Alleyn Esqre, Dr Aaron Gourdon, Maurice
Thomson Esqre, Mr Wm Jessop, Mr John Oxenbridge, Mr Edward Pead, Mr
Leonard Ward, Mr Joseph Tod, Mr George Turberville, Mr george Prynn, Mr
Edward Carter, Mr Elias Roberts, Mr Mathew Batson, and Mr Nathaniel
Hawes, or any of the three or more of them, whereof the Governor or
Deputy to be one, To be a Company for the governing and carrying on the
affairs of the Somer Islands als Bermudas, and to have the same powers
and privileges as the former Company had."