Waddell Sr, Roy R
Volume: 10 Certificate: 4562
Death Date: 5 February, 1946 Death Place: Kenton
Age: 072 Residence: Kenton
Hi Rod (email 6/17/02)
My husband, Fred, is looking forward to communicating with you and may be able to share memories, etc. I'm the genealogist and I'll be able to provide names, dates and places. What I may try to do is pull together a Waddell gedcom file for you. I do want to review what I have in the file first. My work on it is sporadic, to say the least. We were in Covington in October and I want to make sure everything was entered. Roy Raymond's father was Ambrose. He is also buried with his first wife (Fannie Lewis) in Highland Cemetery (Section 4, Lot 155, Grave 6). Ambrose did not have a gravestone, so Fred arranged to have one laid just before we were last there. We are attempting to find more info on Ambrose and his ancestors, but are dead-ending.
We are in touch with only one other member of the family, Herb Reinhard, who is Virginia's son. I'll forward your message and the picture to him also.
It's great to talk with another member of the clan. I'll forward what I can as soon as I can. By the way, you're living in one of my favorite places. I lived in Green Bay in the early to mid-70s, after going to high school and college in Marquette, Michigan.
Bev Barrett Waddell
359 Betty's Creek Drive
Moneta, VA 24121
6/17/2002 email from Fred Waddell:
You are correct, that grandpa Roy Raymond Waddell was a carpenter by trade, if and when he worked, but was an alcoholic, and all of the 9 children (Albert died as an infant) lived in abject poverty. My dad, Charles, only had 5 years of schooling, as probably was about the same for many of them.
__Email Beverly Waddell 6/20/02
_The picture attached was an attachment to your note on the St. Paul's note. I'll get the gedcom file and a scanned copy of Ambrose's wedding certificate to you early next week. We're heading to Maryland tomorrow to see our kids and 2 grandkids--one of which just came home from the hospital. He was born in mid-April, 7 weeks premature, so it's time to go see him.
I'll see what other birth/death certificates I can scan in. Right now I'm working with just a printer/scanner so I can do only paper documents. Last night I was looking at Roy Raymond's death certificate. It was very sad to see the cause of death--dehydration and inanition (?) due to severe malnutrition. We're assuming that this was a result of the alcoholism. Very sad.
Before you head to Kentucky and after I send the gedcom file, let's get our heads together so you won't be going over the same ground that may have been covered already.
Have a good weekend. Bev
One entry found for inanition.
Main Entry: in·a·ni·tion
Pronunciation: "i-n&-'ni-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
: the quality or state of being empty: a : the loss of vitality that results from lack of food and water b : the absence or loss of social, moral, or intellectual vitality or vigor
Fred Waddell email 6.20.02
Hi Rod,
Bev is sending you info regarding Roy Sr. Waddell's siblings. You know, since our correspondence, Bev and I looked at the records again, and noted that Roy Sr. had died of malhutrition, and my father, Charles (his son) was the one to sign off on the death certificate. It is hard to imagine, and bothers me, that our grandfather, Roy Sr. died of nutrition. No one should have to die that way, but alcoholism, very often results in chronic malnutirtion, as you know. I think of this, and my Dad's life. They were so very poor. I can remember stories of my dad that bean soup and corn break was the only thing they had to eat during the entire day, and it was my dad's responsibility, and perhaps the responsibility of his brothers and sisters to pick up coal thrown down from the trains. The firemen on the trains took pity on them and threw off blocks of coal that they used to heat their house. So hard to imagine, and so very sad. Perhaps it accounts for why I can't ever remember ha! ving any contact with my grandmother or grandfather Waddell.
Bev and I leave tomorrow morning for Maryland to see our kids and grandkids. Will return on Sunday evening.
Take care of yourself,
till later!