Parish Register of St Mary the Virgin, Horne: Baptism 22 August1813, Maria daughter of Thomas & Ann STEER, Horne, Farmer, born31 July.1841 Census, 6 June. PRO Ref. HO 107, Piece 1077/3. Folio 4b.Crowhurst, Surrey. Address Boner Lane Farm. Thomas STEER, Age35, Farmer, born in county. Maria JEFFERY, Age 25, Servt, bornin county. Mercy JEFFERY, Age 5, born in county. James JEFFERY,Age 13, born in county. (Plus three servants).1851 Census, 30 March. PRO Ref. HO 107, Piece 1600, Folio 201b.Limpsfield, Surrey. Address Village. Maria JEFFERY, Head, Wid,Age 37, Proprietor of Cottages, birthplace Horne, Surrey. AnnLUCKIN, Lodger, Widow, Age 84, Annuitant, birthplace Tandridge,Surrey.