Headstone - Brereton Children
Children of John & Elizabeth of Newton
to the memory of William Brereton Son
of John and Elizabeth Brereton
of Newton who died June 28
1835 aged 4 years.
Also Mary Ann their Daughter
died July 18th 1835 aged 1 year
and 10 months
(these infants are taken away from the evil to come)
Also George Brereton their
son who died April 6th(?) 1847
Aged 6 day
Also William Brereton their Son
who departed April 21st(?) 1848
(remainder illegible)
The cited information was sourced from Tombstone / Gravestone This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
Source Notes
St Alban's Churchyard, Tattenhall