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Male Charles Samuel Morris Click to view Charles Samuel Morris in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Charles was born on November 15th, 1864 in Utah (UT).1  Charles' father was Charles Morris and his mother was Elizabeth Ann Scriggins.  His paternal grandparents were James Morris and Mary Butterworth. He had a brother and five sisters, named William, Chelisia, Mona, Nellie, Maggie and Edna.  He was the third oldest of the seven known children.  He died at the age of 83 on November 6th, 1948 in Utah (UT).  He was buried in Salt Lake County/City.1 

Charles' first family with Lucy Jane Wilkey

‌Charles and Lucy were married in a religious ceremony on December 20th, 1883 in Utah (UT).1  They had two daughters named Lucy and Verlie.

Charles' second family with Christine Hall

‌Charles and Christine were married in a civil ceremony on July 9th, 1896 in Salt Lake County/City.2  They had a daughter named Christena.  There are possibly more children.

1 Ancestry Family Trees

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