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Male John Fenton Echlin Click to view John Fenton Echlin in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

John was born on June 20th, 1847 in Ireland.1   John's father was Sir Ferdinand Fenton Echlin and his mother was Mary Cavanagh. He had two brothers and two sisters, named Thomas, Henry, Mary and Bride.  He was the youngest of the five children.  He died at the age of 69 on March 23rd, 1917.1 

John's family with Harriet Jane Kennedy

‌John and Harriet were married in a religious ceremony on May 6th, 1869 in Dublin.1  They had five sons and six daughters, named George, William, Alfred, John, Richard, Aileen, Harriet, Ethel, Evelyn, Martha and Victoria.  There are no more children.


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