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Female Eneyda da Costa Mattos Click to view Eneyda da Costa Mattos in the family tree Click to view Eneyda da Costa Mattos in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree Display a Google Map showing geo-tagged places associated with this person

Eneyda was born on April 30th, 1930.  Eneyda's father was Nicácio da Costa Matos  and her mother was Maria Nicolina de Mattos. She had a sister named Xixa.  She died due to a medical problem, Faleceu em decorrência de uma cirurgia no estômago, at the age of 70 on August 23rd, 2000 in Juiz de Fora, MG.  The funeral took place on August 23rd, 2000 in Juiz de Fora, MG.  She was buried on August 23rd, 2000 on Cemitério Jardim da Saudade, Juiz de Fora .1 2 

Eneyda's family with Francisco Adauto Tostes Lemos 

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They had two sons and three daughters, named Álvaro, Pardal, Vera Lúcia, Elizabeth and Patrícia.

1 Julio Sergio Schwartz
2 Atestado de Óbito

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