- b.04 Aug 1560 in Tewksbury, Gloucherstershire, England d.28 Sep 1611 in Tewkesbury, Glouchester, England

- b.1606 in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England d.08 May 1687 in Westfield, Hampton, Massachusetts

- b.1560 in Tewkesbury, Glestr, England d.1613 in Tewksbury, Gloucherstershire, England

- b.7 FEB 1649/50 in Dorchester, Middlesex, Massachusetts d.06 Oct 1689 in Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts

- b.1574 in Allington, Dorset, England d.06 May 1662 in Windsor, Hartford, Conn

- b.1610 in Of Windsor Twp., Hartford, Connecticut d.27 Sep 1690 in Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts

- b.1578 in Dorset, , England d.24 Aug 1665 in Probably, Windsor, Hartford, CT

- b.07 Dec 1688 in Westfield, Hampden, MA d.13 FEB 1751/52 in Lebanon, New London, CT

- b.WFT Est. 1594-1635 d.WFT Est. 1635-1715

- b.~ 1654 in Hartford, Hartford, CT d.WFT Est. 1693-1749 in Westfield, Hampden, MA

- b.25 Apr 1717 in Lebanon, New London, CT d.13 Apr 1752 in Lebanon, New London, CT

- b.WFT Est. 1633-1663 d.WFT Est. 1688-1749

- b.22 Jul 1684 in Lebanon, New London, CT d.10 Apr 1757 in Lebanon, New London, CT

- b.WFT Est. 1641-1666 d.WFT Est. 1688-1755
- b.19 Oct 1748 in Lebanon, New London, CT d.WFT Est. 1749-1838

- b.1603 in Migrated From Sandwich, Kent, Eng. d.27 Apr 1648 in Windsor,Hart.,CT

- b.10 Oct 1641 in Windsor, Hartford, CT d.07 Sep 1732 in Lebanon, New London, CT

- b.1610 in Of Windsor Twp., Hartford, Connecticut d.27 Sep 1690 in Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts

- b.24 Dec 1666 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA d.07 Sep 1732 in Lebanon, New London, CT

- b.24 FEB 1617/18 in High Ongar, Essex, England d.03 Jun 1662 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA

- b.1643 in Hartford, Hart., CT d.04 Jun 1732 in Lebanon, New London, CT

- b.15 May 1625 in Dorchester, Dorset, England d.11 Apr 1683 in Northampton, MA

- b.JAN 1691/92 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA d.10 Nov 1759 in Albany, NY of small pox caught at Albany

- b.~ 1620 in Westfield, MA d.WFT Est. 1668-1712

- b.10 Jul 1666 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA d.> 1729 in Northampton, Hamps., MA

- b.WFT Est. 1618-1646 d.16 MAR 1715/16 in No. Hampton, Hamps., MA

- b.06 Dec 1720 in Lebanon, New London, CT d.17 MAR 1751/52 in Lebanon, New London, CT

- b.WFT Est. 1676-1702 d.WFT Est. 1732-1790