[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 22, Ed. 1, Tree #3104, Date of Import: Dec 9, 1998]
!May have come over on ship "MARY & JOHN" in 1630
May have landed in New England with Thomas Hooker, leader of Dorchester Company; Capt Squeb landed at Nantasket and settled in Cambridge
ref: Hist & Geneal. of Ancient Winsor by Stiles II:13
he also had other children: JAMES, MATTHEW, THOMAS, RICHARD (d.1638) MARY
!Samuel came to Cambridge, MA 1632 with brothers Thomas & Matthew in the Dorchester Company; landed at Nantacket, settled in Windsor CT 1635. Juryman 5 Mar 1644. He was a farmer. He left a sword and musket at his death with ordinarily indicated military service. His widow married William Hurlbert; rem. to Northampton 1657 with children. 27 Jan 1640, granted property in Windsor which in 1907 was occupied by the Windsor Public Library.
ref:A Geneal Register of Inhabitants of Town of Litchfield, CT by Woodruff,1900
"from Braintree, Essex, ENG; came to Cambridge,MA 1632; rem.to CT 1635; settled in Windsor; lot grant 13 rods wide. Doubtless his home stood on the Island Road north of Roger Ludlow and south of James Marshall's lot which bound North by road running East from Grace Church, and Allen's and Marshall's lot each ran to the wet to about the west line of the present Broad Street.
buried 28 Apr 1648 Old Church Records, Windsor, Ct. age 60 [28 Mar 1648 in some records]
Will dated 8 Sept 1648; inv. 76/18/8
vol 2:13:Samuel Allen from Braintree, co. Essex, Eng. b. ca. 1588; came to Cambridge, MA 1632;was a brother of Col. Mathew Allen of Cambridge, and afterwards of Windsor and Hartford, CT.; and brother of Deacon Thomas Allyn of Middletown, CT. Samuel reem. to CT and settled in Windsor; he was a man of public spirit and honored by his fellow citizens with positions of trust.. buried 28 Apr 1648 (Old Church Record) age 60.