Book Page: A:210 Surname: Lindley Given Name: Elinor Title: Description: Wife Residence: Date: 8 Oct 1726 Prove Date: 2 Jan 1726 Remarks: James Li ndley of Londongrove. Smith. 10/8/1726. January 2, 1726/7. A. 210. To wife no t named 200 acres of land being 1/2 of the tract I now live on and all person al estate she to pay for the 600 acres I have got an order to have surveyed o f the land of Sir John Faggs. To sons Thomas, James, Robert and William 200 a cres of land each when 21, that is the above 600 acres divided into 3 equal p arts and the remaining half of the tract I now live on. To son Jonathan the p lantation I now live on at death of wife. To daughter Rachel £20 at 21. To da ughter Margarey £20 at 21. To daughter Elizabeth £20 at 21. To daughter Hanna h £20 at 21. Also provides for a child yet to be born. To son James the smi th tools. Executors: wife Elinor and son Thomas. Witnesses: Susanna Wilcocks, Elish Maxwell, John Jordan. Book Page: A:210 Surname: Lindley Given Name: E linor Title: Description: Executrix Residence: Date: 8 Oct 1726 Prove Date: 2 Jan 1726 Remarks: James Lindley of Londongrove. Smith. 10/8/1726. Janu ary 2, 1726/7. A. 210. To wife not named 200 acres of land being 1/2 of the tract I now live on and all personal estate she to pay for the 600 acres I h ave got an order to have surveyed of the land of Sir John Faggs. To sons Thom as, James, Robert and William 200 acres of land each when 21, that is the abo ve 600 acres divided into 3 equal parts and the remaining half of the tract I now live on. To son Jonathan the plantation I now live on at death of wife. To daughter Rachel £20 at 21. To daughter Margarey £20 at 21. To daughter Eli zabeth £20 at 21. To daughter Hannah £20 at 21. Also provides for a child yet to be born. To son James the smith tools. Executors: wife Elinor and son Tho mas. Witnesses: Susanna Wilcocks, Elish Maxwell, John Jordan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
If you have corrections, or comments please contact me. This is work in progress, and I do make mistakes. Terry Pogue at