REFN: 15451 [lillief.ged] CSA Co. E 2nd Texas Legion (Waul's) Pension # 12540. Died from Drow ni ng in Georgetown Bay. Story of his death supplied by Carolyn Jane Harrelson Buckley: He went to Georgetown for family supplys on a big boat with 2 Nergo sl av es one who was "Steve Floyd" and he lived to be 114 year liking 9 da ys a nd until 1943, and another white man. He gave a ride to a man goi ng to V a. up the river. A terrible storm came up quickly and his boat he vy laid en with family supplies capszied and William Bellamy and the hit ch hick er both drowned. His sons John Conner, Asberry, William I. Geor ge Marsd en and Edward came up the river on the Sabbath to look for his bo dy and br ing him back to be buried on their Plantation and in their Fami ly Cemeter y. He was the father of 17 children. His wife took over the Pla ntation alo ng with her 15 children who were still living at home. The Pla ntation w as part of a Kings Land Grant. It is still in the Graham Clan. Came to Leon, Texas in 1856.