1880 Census Trinity County Calif E D 151/5
1910 Census Trinity County Calif E D 139/37
1920 Census Trinity County California; E D 152, Sheet 2
Info From Anne Basham Reed Letter
Obituary In Trinity Journal
TRINITY CENTER MAN DIES OF ANTHRAX Bert Bassham died Wednesday nig
ht at Tr inity Center, his death being due to anthrax. Two physicians we
re call ed from Weaverville, but the unfortunate man had been without medi
cal a id for so long that nothing could be done for his relief. The deceas
ed w as born in Weaverville, of good pioneer stock, about 51 years ag
o. Wh en he was a child the family moved to Trinity Center, where he w
as rear ed and where he has since resided. He married in Trinity Cent
er in 19 02 to Miss Dora M Peterson, who passed away a number of years ag
o. He lea ves a married daughter, Mrs Harold Peterson of Trinity Cente
r, and two bro thers, Frank A Bassham of Trinity Center and W P Bassh
am of Castella, a nd two sisters, Mrs Gertrude McDonald of Trinity Cent
er and Mrs E H Elle ry of Woodland. Mr Bassham followed a number of busine
ss lines success- fu lly, and at the time of his death was one of the cont
ractors on the Trini ty Center-French Gulch mail route. For over thirty y
ears he had serv ed as a deputy sheriff. He was buried at Trinity Cente
r. The services we re conducted by IOOF Lodge of Trinity Center.
From May 12, 1923 Trinity Journal
Headline: "Bassham Prominent In Northern Trinity"
Elbert Howard Bassham died at Trinity Center on Wednesday of la
st we ek from anthrax, supposed to have been contracted by him from an inf
ect ed brush while he was shaving the preceding Saturday. He worked as u
su al th following Monday but on Tuesday he was taken ill and the desea
se so on assumed a virulent form, and notwithstanding the best
efforts of medical skill, nothing could be done for him and he pass
ed aw ay the next morning.
The deceased was born in Weaverville, of good old pioneer stock, a
bo ut 51 years ago. When he was a child the family moved to Trinity Cente
r, w here he was reared and where he has since resided. He was marri
ed in Trini ty Center to Miss Dora M. Peterson, who passed away a numb
er of years ag o. He leaves to mourn his loss a married daughter,
Mrs. Harold Peterson of Trinity Center, and two brothers, Frank A. Bas
sh am of Trinity Center and W. P. Bassham of Castella, and two sister
s, Mr s. Gurtrude McDonald of Trinity Center and Mrs. E. H. Ellery of Wood
Mr. Bassham was a man of fine physique and of high character, a lea
di ng citizen of his community and county and one whose loss will be deep
ly f elt not only in the home circle but everywhere he was known. He had f
ollow ed a number of business lines successfully and, at the time of his d
eat h, was one of the contractors on the Trinity Center-French Gulch
mail route. For over thirty years he had served as a deputy sheri
ff a nd in that position made an enviable record.
He was a man of unquestionable integrity and his word was as go
od as a nother man's bond. His disposition was kindly and his nature gener
ou s. He never withheld his hand or purse in the furtherance of any wort
hy ob ject. His social, political and business life was such as to win h
im the e steem and affection of all that knew him. We know of no man in
northern Trinity who will be more sadly missed.
The sympathy of the entire county goes out to his stricken on
es a nd we can only leave them to the tender healing of the years with t
he know ledge that the wounds now so grievous will be softened by the cons
tantly r ecurring memories of his many noble qualities.
His funeral took place at Trinity Center Friday afternoon and was la
rg ely attended not only by the community but also by many from Weavervi
ll e, from Shasta and other counties. The floral decorations were profu
se a nd beautiful. The services were conducted by I. O. O. F. lodge of Tri
ni ty Center and the solemn c