1800 Federal Census for Burke County, NC lists Elijah Patton as head ofhousehold consisting of 2 WM (0-10) 1 WM (10-16) 1 WM (45+) and 1 WF(0-10) 2 WF (10-16) 1 WF (26-45) Elijah is the only one of the sons of John Patton not to leave BurkeCounty although he had holdings of land located in Tennessee. He had agrant for 1000 acres from the State of North Carolina. He later sold hisson-in-law 200 acres on Knob Creek in what was then Rutherford County,TN. Old newspapers dating from 1808 to 1811 indicate that Elijah was notpaying taxes on various parcels of his land. One newspaper in 1810(Bedford County) indicated that a parcel of 240 acres would be sold atauction on the first monday of November that year.