"A letter dated Jany 30, 1932 from Miss Jane Macon 1208 Union St,Brunswick, Georgia who belongs to the Georgia Society of colonial Damesof America who says she is a descendant of the Jack family & asks me forinformation. She refers to the abridged compendium of American Genealogywhere she finds I trace my lineage to a Patrick Jack 1678-1726 & she saysshe has an ancestor of that name who was born in Ireland in 1708 (itshould be 1700) who emigrated with some brothers to Penna in 1730,married Lillis McAdoo & moved to North Carolina about 1760 & died therein 1780. I know nothing of his ancestry except that his grandfather (itwas his great grandfather) William Jack was in 1661 one of the 13ministers of Presbytery of Lagan in Northern Ireland to be ejected fromtheir benefices by Charles II for non conformity to Ch of Eng. Shethinks her Patrick is perhaps a son of my Patrick - as he was - & speaksof the prominence of many of his descendants. Says she has a lot of dataconcerning them & is keen to trace the records." JVT journal