Ancestral File Number:<AFN> Z6F1-M5 Katherine Banks Royall Isham was the wealthiest woman in the UnitedStates in her era.
Will of KATHERINE ISHAM 1686 Henrico Co., Virginia
In the name of God amen. I KATHERINE ISHAM being sick & weak of bodybut of sound & pfect mind & memory (praise be therefore given toalmighty god do make & ordain this my last will & testament inmanner & form following (that is to say) First I principally commendmy soul unto the hands of Almighty God hoping through the meritts of mySavior Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon & forgiveness of allmy sins and my body I comitt to the earth to be decently burried at yedescretion of my Extr, hereafter named. And as the disposition ofall such temporall as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me Igive and dispose of as followth.
First Item I will that all my debts and funerall charges be paid &discharged. I give to my Grandson Wm Randolph Ð20 sterling money ofEngland such is not in the custody of my son-in-law Wm Randolph to bedisposed of after my decease for the proper use & benefit of mygrandson above named, but in case of his mortaility before he comes toage, then I give & bequeath unto my grandson Henry Randolph the Ð20about to be disposed as above sd for his proper use and further I giveto my grandson Henry Randolph five pds sterling money of England and tomy Granddaughters Mary Randolph & Elisa Randolph Ð5 a piece of likeSterling money all such money above specified is now in the custody ofmy son-in-law Wm Randolph. And further I give the residue of my monysuch is in custody of my son-in-law Wm Randolph to my twodaughters Mary Randolph & Ann Epes to be equally divided. I also willthat my claw trunk with all that is in it be equally dividedbetween my two daughters Mary Randolph & Ann Epes and I give toeach of them two silver saltcellars. And to Mary Randolph I give myWedding Ring & best feather bed and furniture to it and my ?least silvertankard but one and fifteen shillings to buy a mourning Ring and desirethe sd Mary Randolph may be exempt from bearing any part of paying mydebts or funerall charges. And this is all my legacy to my loveingdaughter Mary Randolph. Item. I give to my grandson Joseph Royall one Servt named John Jordnsall the time he hath to serve & my small silver tankard. And furtherI give to my child of my son Royall's two silver spoons. And to myloveing son Joseph Royall the last Tankard. Item. I give to my grandson Richard Dennis one of my best cows and twosilver spoons. Item. I give to my grandson Isham Epes my Negro Dick. and to myGrandson Francis Epes my biggest silver tankard but one. I also giveto the child my daughter Ann Epes now goes with my largest silverPorringer & great silver cupp. My sealed ring & great hoop ring witha pair of silver Clasps & Silver bodkin I give to my daughter Anne Epes. Item. I give to my Grandson Richd Perrin one Feather bed andfurniture to it. item. I give to my grand daughter Sarah Royall one Yearling heifer. Item. I give to my granddaughters Katherine Farrar, Mary, Sarah & AnnePerrin to each of them two silver spoons. And to KatherineFarrar one Guinney And to Anne Perrin one silver porringer. Item I give to my granddaughter Sarah Dennis two silver spoons andone pair of dowlass sheets. And to my two daughters Sarah Wilkinson &Katherine Perrin all my wearing Cloaths woolen & Linnen. Item I give to my loveing friend Mary Parker six Ells of my best dowless& as much of my finest Serge as will make her a gown & petticoat. Item I give to my grandson Maiden Marshall one heifer two years old. Item I will and bequeath all my land to my son Joseph Royall to him andhis heirs forever. Item I give my whole crop of Corn and tobacco to my Executorshereafter named except for much as will buy two gravestones, one toc