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Male Ontje Abben Van Mark Click to view Ontje Abben Van Mark in the family tree

Ontje Abben was born on August 10th, 1777 in Mark, Ostfriesland, Germany.1   Ontje Abben's father was Abbe Ontjes Van Mark and his mother was Hilke Harms.  His paternal grandparents were Ontje Reempts and Hisse Folderyks. He had two brothers and three sisters, named Harm, Harm, Antje, Hiske and Harmine Abben.  He was the second oldest of the six children.  He died at the age of 67 on February 26th, 1845 in Driever, Ostfriesland, Germany.1 

Ontje Abben's family with Mechel Geerds

‌Ontje Abben and Mechel were married in a religious ceremony on March 23rd, 1803 in Driever, Ostfriesland, Germany.1   They had a daughter named Hilke Ontjes.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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