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Male Jean-Pierre Thibodeau Click to view Jean-Pierre Thibodeau in the family tree

Jean-Pierre was born about 1674 in Port Royal, Acadia, New France.1   Jean-Pierre's father was Pierre Thibodeau and his mother was Jeanne Theriot.  His paternal grandparents were Mathurin-Rhibauoa Thibodeau and Marie Dolbeau; his maternal grandparents were Jean Theriot and Perrine Rau Bourg. He had seven brothers and nine sisters, named Pierre l'Ainé, Antoine, Pierre, Michel, Claude, Charles, Joseph, Marie, Marie "L'Cadette", Marie-Jeanne, Anne-Marie, Catherine, Jeanne, Cecile, Marie-Anne Louise and Catherine Josephe.  He was the nineth oldest of the seventeen children.  He died on December 9th, 1746 in Grand Pre, Acadia.  He was buried on December 9th, 1746 in St. Charles, Mines, Acadie, Canada.1 1 

Jean-Pierre's family with Marguerite Hebert

‌Jean-Pierre and Marguerite were married in a religious ceremony in St. Jean Baptiste, Port Royal, Acadie, Canada.1   They had seven sons and four daughters, named Jean Baptiste, Claude, Olivier, Joseph, Joseph, Germain, Charles, Marie-Madaleine, Cecile, Anne and Elizabeth.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
My Acadian Ancestors, Family Tree Maker User Home Pages, World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #3113

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