[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 9176
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Landed at New Haven, Connecticut in 1638. Richard Platt came to this country in 1638 with his children Mary, John, Isaac, and Sarah, who were born in England; Epenetus, born July 12, 1640; Hannah, Oct. 1, 1643; Josiah 1645, and Joseph 1649. It is stated that Richard and his two sons, John and Josiah are recorded among the original purchasers of and proprietors of the town of New Milford.
November 20, 1639: The following "to be free planters" Zachariah Whitman, Thomas Welsh, Thomas Wheeler, Edmond Tappe, Thomas Buckingham, Henry Stonhill, Nathaniel Baldwin, James Prudden, Thomas Baker, George Clark, Jr, John Burwell, Richard Miles, RICHARD PLATT, Thomas Topping, Mr. Peter Prudden, William Fowler, John Astwood, Richard Baldwin, Benjamin Fen, Samuel Coley, John Peacocke, George Hubbert, Jasper Gunn, John Fetcher, Alex: Bryan, Frances Bolt, Micah Thomkins, John Birdsey, Edmond Haruy, John Lane, William East, Henry Botsford, Joseph Baldwin, Philip Hatly, Nicholas Camp, John Rogers, Thomas Vffett, Nathaniel Tibballs, John Sherman
Volume I. Land Records of town of Milford, Connecticut. Connecticut Nutmegger, Vol. *, No. 3 Dec. 1975 Marks/Platt Ancestry by Eliza Lines, published 1902, New Haven, Connecticut, page 86. 1660 Connecticut Census, New Haven County, Richard Platt, Milford Twp.